Create free Unlimited wordpress self hosting with Viewen

[caption id="attachment_636" align="alignnone" width="300"]Create free Unlimited wordpress self hosting with Viewen Create free Unlimited wordpress self hosting with Viewen[/caption]

Free Cloud Hosting-Unlimited Disk Space & Bandwith with VIWEN

Free Hosting-Unlimited Disk Space & Bandwith with VIWEN

For a long time, I have been using “Viewen” Hosting completely free of charge. For all, you want to make a blog or multi-million dollar website, “Viewen” is the Perfect Web Hosting Providers and they continue to improve their services and “Viewen” is the best “free cloud hosting provider in the world”.

Free Hosting-Unlimited Disk Space & Bandwith with VIWEN 

If you want to create a powerful, successful and effective website in WordPress or by manually coding “Viwen” is the best. Everyone thinks “free web hosting” may not be good, maybe there will be many limitations, loading speed may be less, uptime may be too bad, but none of these is applicable in the case of “Viwen“. I have been using “Viwen” free hosting for the past seven-eight months and There was no such problem. “Viwen” web hosting offers you Unlimited disk space, Unlimited bandwidth and 99.99% uptime, free SSL certificate, MySQL database, PHP, free support, multi-website host etc.

Free Hosting-Unlimited Disk Space & Bandwith with VIWEN 

You will get a free full sophisticated cpanel that lets you control your website or blog. You will also get 100% free SSL certificate, thanks to Letsencrypt and Viwen for this you can protect your website or blog. In addition, your control panel has Softaculous which will control everything from your apps’ installation to backup and update. “” offers you full “free web hosting” support through phone calls, social media, broadcasts, hangouts, and tickets. But one thing you need to keep in mind is that “Viewen” don’t allow spammers, hackers and those who only want to store information on their hosting account. There is no hidden cost on” Viewen hosting“, and they do not say that you take any premium service, they offer premium cloud hosting services to the whole of the freebies.


Free Hosting-Unlimited Disk Space & Bandwith with VIWEN 

Step by step guide to applying forVIWEN FREE HOSTING

  1. First, go to ““ and click on the “sign-up” button and then click the “order now” button.

  2. Now enter the domain name for the domain name that you want to take web hosting.

  3. Click the “check out” button now.

  4. Then fill in the form appear before you on the screen, you should fill it completely, and then click the “order now” button.

  5. After the order is completed, the status will be shown as pending. You must now file a ticket to complete your request. For this reason, your subject section should be written as a “new account” and the priority field will be to select your “medium“.

  6. Now write in the message section what you want to build on the website and tell them that all the rules and regulations are in compliance.

  7. Another thing that you have to do is like their “VIWEN Facebook page“ and take a screenshot to provide them as Attachment.

  8. Now you have to press the submit button and your ticket will be created.

  9. Usually, within 12 hours you get an email from them about the status of your request.

  10. You can also tell your registered application to the support team in the “Chat-box”.

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Free Hosting-Unlimited Disk Space & Bandwith with Viewen


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