How To Make Money On Fiverr In Nigeria" free guide

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="482"]How To Make Money On Fiverr In Nigeria" free guide How To Make Money On Fiverr In Nigeria" free guide[/caption]

If you want to learn how to make money on Fiverr in Nigeria, this guide will take you step-by-step through the processes you must follow.

There are several ways to make money online in Nigeria; and among them, freelancing happens to be one of the easiest ways.

Although there are several freelance platforms to get jobs and make money online, Fiverr has remained the most popular freelance platform among Nigerians.

Several smart Nigerians are already sellers on Fiverr and make a living off their Fiverr earnings.

Apart from just making a living off Fiverr earnings, if you take your freelancing career with all seriousness, you can make money enough to help you live the life of your dreams.

And the good thing is that, you get to do all that working from home, in your hotel room or wherever you like.

I have always considered freelancing a golden opportunity for Nigerians—considering the high unemployment rate in the country.

Many youths graduate from the university and are unable to get decent jobs.

The good thing about freelancing is that—even if you graduated with a 3rd class or pass degree, you can get jobs from them.

Even if you didn’t attend any university and don’t have any certification, in as much as you possess all the quality and skills required to compete, you will get jobs on Fiverr.

If you intend to earn money on Fiverr working from your home in Nigeria, here are the steps you must follow:

  1. Create a freelancer profile

When you create a Fiverr account, your account can serve for both buying (client) and selling (freelancing).

I’ll assume your reason for wanting to join Fiverr is to sell and not buy, since you’ve declared an interest to make money on Fiverr

For that reason, you need to build your profile around the services you render.

Want to start selling on Fiverr? If yes, then let’s get started…

Create a Fiverr account: 

Become a seller on Fiverr

Visit Fiverr now and click on the become a seller button. Thereafter, you may be required to click on another ‘become a seller’ button to get a popup asking you to enter your email to sign up. 

Enter email to signup with Fiverr

You can either choose to sign up by typing in your email in the space provided and clicking on continue or by login in with Facebook or your Google account. 

Choose username and password for your fiverr profile

The next thing you have to do is choose a Username for your Fiverr profile along with a strong password you can remember easily.

Once you’re done choosing a Username and setting your password, click on the join button to create your Fiverr account.

Complete a seller profile on fiverr

There are four profile requirements every seller must complete before they begin selling.

They are:
Personal info

Account security

Professional info

Linked accounts

Complete all the forms you are provided with by entering in all the required details in their appropriate fields and clicking on the continue button each time you’re done completing a form.

Meanwhile, an email must have been sent to your inbox. Login to your email and click on the link you’re provided with to confirm and activate your Fiverr account.

2. Create and publish a gig

Without a gig your seller profile is useless. So, after creating a seller profile, you must create a gig to begin selling and making money with your Fiverr account.

A gig is the term used to describe the freelance service you render on Fiverr—and is priced at $5 upwards.

On Fiverr, you can create a gig in up to 8 categories of services, which are:
Graphics & Design

Digital Marketing

Writing & Translation

Video & Animation

Music & Audio

Programing & Tech


Fun & Lifestyle

3. Optimize your gig to rank high and make sales

Creating a gig is one thing, getting enough sales is another. There’s a lot of competition for jobs on Fiverr.

There are already many authority freelancers on whichever category or subcategory you can think of.

That’s why you must make sure you carry out all the necessary optimization when creating your gig and writing a description for your service.

Also, Fiverr has a ranking system. The Freelancers with gigs ranking high make more sales than those who don’t appear quickly when search queries are made.

I have shared several free guides that will help any freelancer get started on Fiverr. Feel free to browse through my Fiverr archives to have a look at them.

4. Render quality services

If you want to make money on Fiverr, you must render quality services. With quality services, you’ll keep old customers coming back for more and win over new clients.

Furthermore, a base of loyal customers can help you quickly gain promotion to the Fiverr top rated seller level.

That’s why you must make sure you render only services you can complete with ease while still maintaining quality.

If you don’t render services you can complete with ease, you may find it difficult to cope with your freelancing career.

There’s no limit to the amount of money you can make on Fiverr; almost everything depends on you.

5. Withdraw your earning

In Nigeria, there are several limitations to making money online, especially due to the fact that PayPal has refused to allow Nigerians receive money.

I made a list of several PayPal alternatives available to Nigerians and among that list you’ll find Payoneer.

Luckily for Nigerians, Fiverr and Payoneer are partner companies; and Payoneer MasterCard serves as the Fiverr revenue card.

You can easily withdraw your Fiverr earnings in Nigeria using Payoneer as your preferred payment option during withdrawal.
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