Most 6 Reasons Why Mostly Readers Unsubscribe From Your Blog RSS Feed

Blog Subscribers are the most important phenomenon for building a successful blog base. Getting blog subscribers should be always the first priority of you.Because Blog Subscribers are playing an important and worthy role in making your blog viral.
1 blog subscriber is equal to 1 loyal reader to your blog who always waiting and ready for upcoming publishing in your blog. Blog subscribers are keen interested and deeply engaged within your blog.
Getting Subscribers is more difficult but sometimes when a someone unsubscribes from your blog RSS feed you may also get worried and wonder what are you doing badly in your blog that people unsubscribing your blog.
There are a lot of reasons why actually your blog readers unsubscribe from your blog RSS feed and in this post, you can learn how you can stop them doing this. 

Top 6 Reasons Why Mostly Readers Unsubscribe From Your Blog RSS Feed 

1: Irrelevant Articles to their taste

The main reason why most of your blog readers unsubscribe from your blog is due to publishing invalid and not relevant articles in your blog which are totally opposite to your readers taste. Your reader needs something else from you to write but they found irrelevant stuff in your blog.
That's why most readers of your blog got unsubscribed from your blog. Keep your blog updated according to only such articles which are related to your blog niche because this what because of your readers subscribe to your blog so that they may get updated with the latest content through your blog.
You might have seen many times or self-experienced that a blog which is about health niche and posting news and other advice related to health. But when you post articles about a computer on the health niche blog then that is called irrelevancy which causes your blog readers to unsubscribe to their blog. 

2: Frequently Updating Your Blog 

Many bloggers used to publish 10 or 15 posts a day in their blog and then got silenced for next week or month. This is practice is against of your blog readers because they want to fresh updates and when you didn't post new content then they will surely unsubscribe to your blog RSS feed.
Maintain a balance in your blog by writing essential and necessary blog posts in a day so your blog readers won't get disturbed and also get engaged with your blog.
It is the most noticeable thing that as a reader who is visiting your blog then why he need to subscribe to your blog?
This is because that he wanted to get in touch with your blog so that he got notified when something you posted on your blog.   

3: Not Providing Unique Content

Blog content is one basic and the essential thing which compels your blog readers to subscribe to your blog and also let them unsubscribe from your blog. It's your turn what you want and how you get it.
Many time your blog readers feel comfort due to not unique articles which you posted in your blog.
For the sake of getting subscribers, you should always provide quality and fresh articles to keep your blog readers stick to your blog.
If your blog is about a specifically targeted niche then posting articles on related to that niche is Uniqueness and when you start posting articles which don't relate to your blog niche then you have lost your blog Uniqueness which force readers to unsubscribe to your blog.

4: Not Posting Quality Content 

Quality content is necessary for every successful blog so that it may be able to get his trust up between his blog readers.
A reader will only come to your blog because he does trust that you will provide anything will be quality and always worthy of him. So you need to keep this trust maintain by providing posts according to their needs.
As readers know which content is quality one and which is waste of time and they better know rather than Google because readers are more powerful then crawlers who knows what is unique and what is not.
Your blog content will be counted as quality content only when it wins the heart of your blog readers and this can only happen if you made your mind to write content only for helping your blog audience and to fill your blog. 

 5: Your Articles are not Optimized 

Writing content is not the main part of a successful blog post. There a lot of other factors which act on optimizing your blog article for building better readership among your blog audience.
You can write killer post titles, add images for increasing your blog post optimization, SEO friendly content and other things which are essential for optimizing your blog post for better visitor experience.
Many times your blog contains quality content but due to your irresponsibility, you turn it into poor content by not optimizing and arranging the whole article in right way.
So when a visitor will reach to your blog post, although your post is qualitative but not in the right look as it should be then it will make a negative impression over your blog readers and it pressurize on your readers to unsubscribe from your blog. 

6: Not Responding To Readers 

When don't you respond to your blog readers than how you can desire them as a subscriber to your blog? .When don't take interest in your readers than on the other side your blog readers also stop interesting in your blog.
By not replying readers on your blog comments or in emails will effect in your blog as a bad term and they will surely stop reading your blog as well as also unsub to your blog RSS feed.
Try to maintain your blog by every aspect. As content is essential for your blog for getting readers then turning those first-time readers into daily readers and loyal is also an important part. 
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